QUASSIA AMARA or bitterwood, quassia from Surinam, quassia from Guyana The South American quassia is part of the Simaroubaceae family. This plant family is mainly present in tropical regions with…

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The ASTERACEAE, are an immense family of flowering plants which contains several hundred botanical genera including the genus Vernonia = Gymnanthenum which also includes hundreds of species in Asia ,…

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Indigenous to Africa, the TAMARIND TREE,TAMARINDUS INDICA, CAESALPINIACEAE, is found in the wild in dry savannahs; it was introduced a long time ago in India then dispersed by the Arabs…

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ROSEMARY, SALVIA ROSMARINUS = ROSMARINUS OFFICINALIS, LABIATEAE=LAMIACEAE is a Mediterranean plant.It is a shrub, quite bushy, with small and narrow leaves with their upper surface convex a little shiny, the…

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LIQUORICE, LICORICE or cultivated licorice GLYCYRRHIZA GLABRA, FABACEAE, is a perennial plant by its root which reaches 1m to 1m50, the flowers are grouped in erect clusters, of a more…

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The large plant family of brassicales or BRASSICACEAE(formerly cruciferous) includes the genus raphanus (mainly the various radishes and wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) and other genera also interesting because they include…

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