The ASTERACEAE, are an immense family of flowering plants which contains several hundred botanical genera including the genus Vernonia = Gymnanthenum which also includes hundreds of species in Asia ,…
The ASTERACEAE, are an immense family of flowering plants which contains several hundred botanical genera including the genus Vernonia = Gymnanthenum which also includes hundreds of species in Asia ,…
SPIRULINA are microorganisms classified among bacteria. They are part of CYANOPHYCEAE or BLUE ALGAE but according to botanists they are not real algae. Their cellular structure and composition, their mode…
RHUBARB, POLYGONACEAE, are native to Asia, species are numerous and as they are plants that hybridize, horticulturists have created various hybrid varieties interesting for their medicinal, culinary or decorative properties.RHEUM…
The large plant family of brassicales or BRASSICACEAE(formerly cruciferous) includes the genus raphanus (mainly the various radishes and wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum) and other genera also interesting because they include…
The PORTULACACEAE are small herbaceous leaves usually fleshy sometimes succulent and whose fruit is a capsule that releases at maturity many very small seeds. COMMON PURSLANE,PORTULACA OLERACEA, is widespread and…
NETTLES, URTICACEAE,are common plants in temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. They are remarkable plants because they are stinging !! The stems and leaves indeed have very fine, sharp and…
RHODIOLA ROSEA or GOLDEN ROOT, ARCTIC ROOT, ROSE ROOT, CRASSULACEAE is found in the cold regions of the Northern Hemiphere, in sub-arctic areas or at higher altitudes in countries with…
MORINGA OLEIFERA, MORINGACEAE, DRUMSTICK TREE, HORSERADISH TREE is a small tree native to tropical Asia, naturalized and cultivated in many tropical countries. It is a fairly drought-resistant tree, easy to…
Like squash, cucumber, melon, watermelon , BITTER GOURD ( karela in India ) is a climbing or creeping plant.There are around sixty species of momordica originating from the old world…
The KUDZU vine (or Kuzu in Japan) is a name that corresponds to several species or varieties of Pueraria(FABOIDEAE). The main medicinal species or "true" kudzu is PUERARIA MONTANA VAR…