Moraceae are essentially trees of hot regions, rarely herbs or shrubs; there are 60 genera and more than 1000 species.Almost all of these plants secrete a white or colorless, sometimes…
Moraceae are essentially trees of hot regions, rarely herbs or shrubs; there are 60 genera and more than 1000 species.Almost all of these plants secrete a white or colorless, sometimes…
Mushrooms are part of the traditional pharmacopoeias of many Asian countries. TRAMETES VERSICOLOR = CORIOLUS VERSICOLOR, POLYPORACEAE, TURKEYTAIL, is a fungus used in traditional Chinese medicine for several thousand years,…
Indigenous to Africa, the TAMARIND TREE,TAMARINDUS INDICA, CAESALPINIACEAE, is found in the wild in dry savannahs; it was introduced a long time ago in India then dispersed by the Arabs…
STEVIA, STEVIA REBAUDIANA, ASTERACEAE, is native to the tropical and warm temperate zone of South America: Paraguay, northern Argentina and southern Brazil.It is a small perennial plant, herbaceous then shrub…
SPIRULINA are microorganisms classified among bacteria. They are part of CYANOPHYCEAE or BLUE ALGAE but according to botanists they are not real algae. Their cellular structure and composition, their mode…
There are several hundred species of sage throughout the world; in Europe it is the COMMON SAGE, SALVIA OFFICINALIS, LABIATEAE = LAMIACEAE, which is the most used as a medicinal…
The SAPODILLA TREE, MANILKARA ZAPOTA = ACHRAS SAPOTA, SAPOTACEAE, is a fruit tree native to southern Mexico (Yucatan) and the neighboring countries, Belize and Guatemala. It is now widespread in…
The AFRICAN PEAR or BUSH BUTTER TREE, DACRYODES EDULIS, BURSERACEAE, is a tree with edible oleaginous fruits which grows naturally in Central Africa in the humid tropico-equatorial zone from sea…
The BIXACEAE include only one genus Bixa.The ACHIOTE TREE, BIXA ORELLANA = BIXA AMERICANA, is a small tree, native to tropical America and which has been introduced in many countries…
The "shiny" Ganoderma, GANODERMA LUCIDUM, GANODERMATACEAE, is a basidiomycete (or "hat" fungus) which is part of a plant family with many species (about 80) that are found more in hot…