THYMES, LABIATEAE=LAMIACEAE, are small bushy plants, erect (common thyme) or more spreading and creeping (wild thyme), typical of the Mediterranean region where they grow naturally. Common Thyme, THYMUS VULGARIS, is…

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Indigenous to Africa, the TAMARIND TREE,TAMARINDUS INDICA, CAESALPINIACEAE, is found in the wild in dry savannahs; it was introduced a long time ago in India then dispersed by the Arabs…

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There are several hundred species of sage throughout the world; in Europe it is the COMMON SAGE, SALVIA OFFICINALIS, LABIATEAE = LAMIACEAE, which is the most used as a medicinal…

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ROSEMARY, SALVIA ROSMARINUS = ROSMARINUS OFFICINALIS, LABIATEAE=LAMIACEAE is a Mediterranean plant.It is a shrub, quite bushy, with small and narrow leaves with their upper surface convex a little shiny, the…

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LIQUORICE, LICORICE or cultivated licorice GLYCYRRHIZA GLABRA, FABACEAE, is a perennial plant by its root which reaches 1m to 1m50, the flowers are grouped in erect clusters, of a more…

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A modest representative of the enormous ASTERACEAE family (formerly composeae, more than 20,000 species), the DANDELION, TARAXACUM OFFICINALE is a plant from the old world (Eurasia) with a temperate climate.…

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The hybrid BUTTERBUR or bog rhubarb, PETASITES HYBRIDUS = PETASITES OFFICINALIS, ASTERACEAE is a plant native to Eurasia but present in North America.Butterbur grows in damp and shady places: banks…

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APIACEAE = AMMIACEAE (formerly umbelliferous) are rare in tropical regions and in the southern hemisphere , they include among others carrot, celery, anise, coriander, fennel, chervil but also the dangerous…

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PAPAYA tree, CARICA PAPAYA, CARICACEAE, belongs to a genus, "carica", which now has only one species, "papaya". Caricaceae belong to a plant family of African origin but whose ancestors have…

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